Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer | Marigold | Chapter 1 | Unit 2 | Solved Worksheet

Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

Marigold Class 5 English Chapter 1 | Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer | Marigold | Unit 2 | Solved Worksheet  is essential for young learners to build a strong foundation in the subject and Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer NCERT Solutions. Understanding the chapter thoroughly helps students grasp key concepts, improve comprehension, and perform well in exams.

In this article, Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Worksheet With Answers, we provide detailed Marigold | Wonderful Waste Class 5 Worksheet With Answers Solved to make learning easier and more effective. Whether you are a student looking for well-explained solutions or a parent guiding your child, this guide will be a helpful resource for mastering the chapter with confidence. Also, we will include Marigold Class 5 Chapter 1 Question Answer Summary Bengali Meaning.

NCERT Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer Solved | Chapter 1 | Unit 2 | Must Read

Once, the Maharaja of Travancore planned a grand dinner. When he visited the kitchen, he saw vegetable scraps being thrown away. He told the cook not to waste them and find a way to use them. The cook got an idea! He washed and cut the scraps, cooked them with coconut, green chillies, garlic, salt, and curd. He added coconut oil and curry leaves for flavor. The dish smelled delicious! When served, everyone loved it. The cook named it Avial. Today, Avial is a famous dish in Kerala, and it all started from food that was about to be wasted.

एक बार त्रावणकोर के महाराज ने एक बड़े भोज का आयोजन किया। जब वे रसोई में गए, तो उन्होंने देखा कि सब्जियों के टुकड़े फेंके जा रहे हैं। उन्होंने रसोइए से कहा कि इनका सही उपयोग करें। रसोइए को एक बढ़िया विचार आया! उसने उन टुकड़ों को धोकर काटा और नारियल, हरी मिर्च, लहसुन, नमक और दही के साथ पकाया। फिर नारियल तेल और करी पत्ते डाल दिए। खुशबू बहुत अच्छी थी! जब यह परोसा गया, तो सबको बहुत पसंद आया। रसोइए ने इसे अवियल नाम दिया। आज, अवियल केरल का एक प्रसिद्ध व्यंजन है, जो बेकार सब्जियों से बना था!

একদিন ত্রিবাঙ্কোরের মহারাজ এক বড় ভোজের আয়োজন করলেন। রান্নাঘরে গিয়ে তিনি দেখলেন, সবজি কাটার পর ফেলে দেওয়া হচ্ছে। তিনি রাঁধুনিকে তা ব্যবহার করার উপায় খুঁজতে বললেন। রাঁধুনির মাথায় দারুণ একটা বুদ্ধি এল! তিনি সেগুলো ভালো করে ধুয়ে কেটে নিলেন, তারপর নারকেল, কাঁচা লঙ্কা, রসুন, নুন ও দই দিয়ে রান্না করলেন। এরপর নারকেল তেল ও কারিপাতা দিয়ে সুস্বাদু করলেন। রান্নার গন্ধ খুব ভালো লাগছিল! খাবার পরিবেশন করলে সবাই খুশি হল। রাঁধুনি এই পদটির নাম দিলেন অভিয়াল। আজ অভিয়াল কেরালার বিখ্যাত খাবার, যা ফেলা দেওয়া সবজি থেকেই তৈরি হয়েছিল!

Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

1. What were the preparations in the palace for?

Ans: The preparations in the palace were for a grand dinner ordered by the Maharaja of Travancore.

2. Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon?

Ans: The Maharaja went into the kitchen in the afternoon to survey the dishes that had been prepared for the grand dinner.

3. What had the cook planned to do with the vegetable scraps?

Ans: The cook had planned to throw away the vegetable scraps, considering them as waste.

4. Ingredients are the things that are used to make a dish. Circle the ingredients of avial in the box below.

Ingredients of Avial


5. State whether the following are True or False.

  • (i) The king had ordered a dinner in the palace. [ True ]
  • (ii) No one had heard of or tasted avial before. [ True ]
  • (iii) The cook had planned to make another dish using the vegetable scraps. [ False ]

6. A recipe is a list of directions to prepare a dish. The following sentences are not in order for preparing avial. Number them in the correct order.

  • Grind some coconut, green chillies and garlic.
  • Cut the vegetable scraps into long strips.
  • Wash and clean the mix of vegetable bits.
  • Decorate with curry leaves.
  • Whip some curd and mix it in.
  • Pour some coconut oil on top.
  • Avial is ready.

Ans: The correct order is

  • Wash and clean the mix of vegetable bits.
  • Cut the vegetable scraps into long strips.
  • Grind some coconut, green chillies and garlic.
  • Whip some curd and mix it in.
  • Pour some coconut oil on top.
  • Decorate with curry leaves.
  • Avial is ready.

7. Given in the box are some things that children do after they reach home from school. Choose five things that you do when you reach home from school. Write them in order.

Activities after school


  1. First, I put away my school bag.
  2. Then, I change out of my school uniform.
  3. Next, I have lunch.
  4. After that, I do the home work.
  5. Finally, I go to play.

Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

The Maharaja was a wise man and ordered the cook to use the vegetable scraps instead of throwing them away.

[] Name some of the things which are thrown away at home or in school. Sit in groups of four and think of interesting ways in which they can be made useful.

Ans: Here are some common things that are thrown away at home or in school, along with creative ways to make them useful:

  • Paper scraps & old notebooks – We can reuse it like, make paper crafts and rough paper for practice work.
  • Empty plastic bottles – We can reuse it like plant pots, pen holders etc.
  • Old clothes – We can reuse them to make cleaning cloths, DIY bags, or pillow covers.

[] Put up your findings on the class board.

Ans: Do it at yourself and let me know in comment section.

Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

1. Look up the following words in the dictionary. They may have more than one meaning. List these meanings.

  • Ground
  • Survey
  • Scrap
  • Strenly
  • Tempting


[] Ground:

  • Noun: The surface of the earth.
  • Verb: To crush something into small pieces or powder.

[] Survey:

  • Noun: A study or examination of something.
  • Verb: To look at something carefully.

[] Scrap:

  • Noun: A small leftover piece of something.
  • Verb: To throw away or discard something.

[] Strenly:

  • Adverb: In a strict or serious manner.

[] Tempting:

  • Adjective: Something that looks or smells very attractive.

Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

2. Make new word by adding/dropping a few letters from the root word. Some are done for you.



Marigold Wonderful Waste Class 5 Question Answer

1. Name food that is made in your home

  • (i) For a feast/ festival – Pulao, Biryani, Sweets.
  • (ii) When you are unwell – Khichdi, Dalia, Soup, Boiled Rice with Dal.
  • (iii) Everyday – Roti-Sabzi, Rice-Dal.

2. Avial is a dish made in Kerala. Do you have similar dish in your state made from a mix of many vegetables?

Ans: Yes.

What is it called?

Ans: It is called “Shukto”.

Note down the ingredients used to make it.

Ans: Banana, potato, brinjal, drum stick, bitter gourd, papaya, milk, ghee, mustard.

Write down the recipe.

Ans: You can write the recipe on your own. Please let me know in the comment section.

Present attractively and display on the class board.

Ans: You can write the recipe on your own. Please let me know in the comment section.

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