Marigold Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers English Chapter 1 | Bamboo Curry Class 5 Question Answer | Marigold | Solved Worksheet is essential for young learners to build a strong foundation in the subject and Bamboo Curry Class 5 Question Answer NCERT Solutions. Understanding the chapter thoroughly helps students grasp key concepts, improve comprehension, and perform well in exams.
In this article, Marigold Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers, we provide detailed Marigold | Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers Solved to make learning easier and more effective. Whether you are a student looking for well-explained solutions or a parent guiding your child, this guide will be a helpful resource for mastering the chapter with confidence. Also, we will include Marigold Class 5 Chapter 1 Question Answer Summary Bengali Meaning.
Table of Contents
NCERT Marigold Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers Solved | Chapter 1 | Must Read
Bamboo Curry Class 5 Summary in English
One day, a Santhal bridegroom’s mother-in-law cooked a special dish for him. He ate it and asked, “This curry is delicious! What is it made of?” She pointed at the bamboo door.
The next morning, while leaving, he remembered that there was no bamboo in his village. So, he removed the bamboo door and took it home. He told his wife, “Make curry with this bamboo door.”
His wife was shocked but still boiled it for a long time. It remained too hard to eat. Later, when the in-laws visited, they laughed at his mistake. The mother-in-law said, “The curry was made from bamboo shoots, not from a bamboo door!”
Bamboo Curry Class 5 Summary in Hindi
एक दिन एक संथाल दूल्हे की सास ने उसके लिए खास सब्जी बनाई। उसे सब्जी बहुत स्वादिष्ट लगी और उसने पूछा, “यह किससे बनी है?” सास ने बाँस के दरवाजे की ओर इशारा कर दिया।
अगली सुबह, जब वह अपने गाँव लौटने लगा, तो उसे याद आया कि उसके गाँव में बाँस नहीं है। उसने दरवाज़ा निकाला और उसे अपने घर ले गया। वहाँ जाकर उसने अपनी पत्नी से कहा, “इससे सब्जी बना दो।”
पत्नी हैरान रह गई, लेकिन फिर भी उसने इसे बहुत देर तक उबाला। फिर भी यह बहुत सख्त रहा। जब सास-ससुर शाम को आए तो सब उसकी बेवकूफी पर हंस पड़े। सास बोली, “सब्जी बाँस की कोपल (शूट) से बनी थी, दरवाजे से नहीं!”
Bamboo Curry Class 5 Summary in Bengali
একদিন এক সাঁওতাল বরের শাশুড়ি তার জন্য বিশেষ তরকারি রান্না করলেন। বর খাবার খেয়ে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, “এই তরকারি কী দিয়ে বানানো?” শাশুড়ি বাঁশের দরজার দিকে ইশারা করলেন। বর ভাবল, তরকারি বাঁশের দরজা দিয়ে তৈরি!
সকালে তিনি নিজের গ্রামে ফিরে যাওয়ার সময় দরজাটি খুলে সঙ্গে নিয়ে গেলেন। বাড়িতে গিয়ে স্ত্রীকে বললেন, “এই দরজা দিয়ে তরকারি রান্না করো।” স্ত্রী অবাক হয়ে বললেন, “বাঁশের দরজা দিয়ে কীভাবে তরকারি হবে?” বর নিজে দরজাটি কেটে দিলেন, স্ত্রী অনেকক্ষণ ফুটিয়ে রান্না করলেন, কিন্তু এটি খুব শক্ত রয়ে গেল। শেষে তার শাশুড়ি এসে হাসতে হাসতে বললেন, “তরকারি বাঁশের কাণ্ড (শুট) দিয়ে তৈরি হয়েছিল, দরজা দিয়ে নয়!”
Let’s Write
Marigold Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers
1. Complete the sentences meaningfully.
(i)The bridegroom left with the door of his in-laws’ house because it was made of bamboo and there was no bamboo in his village.
(ii) The bridegroom was unable to have bamboo curry in the end because he used a bamboo door instead of bamboo shoots, which could not be cooked properly.
2. Word hunt.
Fill in the blanks with words from the story.
(i) The bridegroom went to visit his in-laws.
(ii) The mother-in-law pointed at the bamboo door.
(iii) He stayed the night with his in-laws.
(iv) He carried the bamboo door back with him.
(v) The curry was made from bamboo shoots.
Say Aloud
Marigold Bamboo Curry Class 5 Worksheet With Answers
- im-pa-tient – (im-pay-shnt)
- de-li-cious – (di-li-shius)
- bo-iled – boiled (This word is a single syllable)
- cho-pped – chopped (This word is a single syllable)
- bam-boo – bam-boo